Here is a little write-up from the Philippon's and myself:
We are very excited to launch this new logo design as it creates a deeper connection between our brand and our roots. Thanks to Brandon Wiebe Graphic Design for bringing our vision to life. On designing the new Badlands Coffee Co. logo, Brandon Wiebe explains:
“Badlands always had a great concept and meaning behind their brand. It’s local, rugged, and authentic; but there was room to take the logo to another level. Castle Butte, the icon of the Big Muddy Badlands was an obvious choice to turn an abstract landscape into a recognizable local landmark and have it really hit home with the company’s name. Dallas is a Geological Engineer, so a fairly detailed rendering of the butte is true to who they are on a deeper level than coffee and location.
We wanted the wordmark to still have somewhat of a ‘stamped’ look to it, but in the updated wordmark we added some class and some ‘maybe-we’re-a-big-deal’… I think that’s a word. It was a pleasure to work with the Philippons, and I can’t wait to wear this logo on a shirt.”
Thanks to our community for your tremendous support throughout our startup. Much like the improvements to our brand, we are committed to ongoing improvements in the coffee we roast for your journey!
The Philippon Family
Check them out online and order some great local coffee: