Back in 2016-2019, I was quite thrilled to design some posters for Frontier Days—but I didn't design the logo on those posters. Fast forward to 2022-2024, and I've been equally thrilled to design the logos for Frontier Days—but not the posters. Ha!
It has all been fun, and I've really enjoyed updating the Frontier Days logo each year with a new theme. There are a few challenges with this crest logo, the most notable being the amount of information and imagery needed within the design and still keeping it visually clean and appealing. Also being able to keep a visual priority order between all the elements so that your eye sees the most important elements first, and the least important elements last. Of course, 'Frontier Days' is the most important element and therefore deserves to be largest with the greatest contrast.
I am grateful for getting to influence visuals for such an iconic part of Swift Current's heritage and annual tradition. I grew up going to Frontier Days, and whenever I end up designing something I grew up with as a kid, there is a surreal element to it. It's a bit like nostalgia—but different, with more of a 'whoa'.
Check out the Swift Current Ag and Ex here for future Frontier Days and events:
Below you will find the Frontier Days logos for 2022-2024.
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